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Recommended product by Tongrenxin - hot start anti Taq monoclonal antibody

* 來(lái)源: * 作者: admin * 發(fā)表時(shí)間: 2016-10-27 15:46:00 * 瀏覽: 1262
■ Clone Name

■ Product description
This product is a mixed product of anti Taq monoclonal antibody and rTaq enzyme of TAKARA Company. It is applicable to the combination of anti Taq monoclonal antibody and Taq enzyme to inhibit polymerase activity before hot start PCR is heated at high temperature, so as to inhibit the non-specific annealing of primer or the non-specific amplification caused by primer dimer under low temperature conditions. The anti Taq monoclonal antibody has been denatured in the initial DNA denaturation step of the PCR reaction, so no special inactivation treatment is required, and it can be used under conventional PCR reaction conditions. A "A" base is attached to the 3 'end of the PCR product amplified with this reagent, which can be directly used for TA cloning.

■ Source
E. Coli recombinant protein, mouse antibody.

■ Active units

■ Quality assurance
The enzyme purity test is > 99%, no endonuclease and exonuclease activity, no nucleic acid contamination, and the antibody purity is > 95%.

■ Scope of application
RT-PCR, Hot Start PCR amplification of DNA, convection PCR.

■ PCR performance
with λ DNA can be used as a template to amplify 10kb DNA fragments.
The inhibition efficiency of antibody to polymerase activity is more than 90% when reacting at 50 ℃ for 1 hour

■ Reaction buffer
Please use the 10 provided with the enzyme × PCR Buffer

■ Storage conditions
-20 ℃

■ PCR system
The same as TAKARA's commercialized enzyme rTaq.

■ PCR conditions
94℃ 5 min
94℃ 30 sec
Tm 30 sec 25 cycles
72℃ 1kb/min
72 ℃ for 10 min (please remove this step for amplification of gibson assembly fragments)
10℃ hold

■ Remarks
In September 2013, the team members carefully designed and screened the monoclonal antibody with high purity and affinity twice as strong as anti Taq antibody of TAKARA Company. The inhibition effect below 60 ℃ is very good, so please feel free to use it.